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Review on Whalesburg by SERDAR SEYLİYEV

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Whalesburg, Profitable form of mining

Whalesburg is a form of coin mining that finds the most profitable and useful mines.
Whalesburg uses the WBT token as the token. WBT tokens can be traded on all ethereum-based "Money Crypto Exchanges".
Whalesburg uses the PPLNS system for all mine exchanges. Using this system brings it to the top in mining.
Whalesburg uses the algorithm as opposed to using the mine pool to mine coins.
The encryption type is quite safe. The reason for this is that it uses the Stratum algorithm.
Whalesburg offers up to 20% rewards for its Referral system. WBT rewards every 20 minutes
The network has a proprietary protocol system that guarantees the reliability of mining activity.
However, the lack of this activity is that it works with programs compatible with windows and linux operating systems.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 5
Is the new summit winner coming?
I saw that there is a clear difference between mining applications like this. Because from the moment I logged in, I was very impressed that it was easy and the transactions were made fast. When I installed the application it took up 16 GB of space. We can also erase the absence of clearance by clearly showing the specific measure of the service fee for the mining pool. This helps us earn more.
I do not hesitate to give 5 stars to this mining because I made a lot of profits by making investments that will not tire my pocket in a short time.

  • profitable mining
  • payment soon
  • mining activity requires programs compatible with Windows or Linux operating systems.

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