The use of digital commerce offers an infinite range of investment possibilities, purchase of products and services, asset trading and access to unlimited services and smart applications. For this reason; Many crypto platforms promote the creation of blockchain trading networks that include various actors. Such is the case with Actinium.
Actinium is a non-custodial protocol that serves as a platform for the exchange of assets, goods and services, in a secure way, through the use of its native ACM currency.
In this sense, Actinium creates an open market without intermediaries, so that businesses, consumers, traders and investors can access blockchain services and exchanges of digital and physical assets, accessible globally and through a secure payment mechanism.
The Actinium platform offers particular benefits to the users of its network, such as:
• Efficiency in processing instant payments
• Almost zero usage fees for network operations
• Efficient exchanges of digital assets
• Secure infrastructure incorporating Lightning technology
• Asset management without intermediaries
• Cold purse incorporated into its platform
• Tor browser system
• Everyday utility solutions
• Use code source accessible to any user
• Mining programs to join your mining network
With all these characteristics, Actinium aims to achieve the inclusion of various commercial actors and individuals in the blockchain platform; to promote its global use and advance the technology industry and the benefits it brings to the global community.