Adaigi is a Crypto project focused on the partial organization of digital currency. It provides wallet administration that can be used extensively by business elements by improving the delivery methods of those pieces between the two players.
The island is a protected and fragmented organization. There is no pleasure or effort in responding to Pakcoin pieces for any type of work.
This phase depends on a decentralized organization that receives gifts, retail, and online business through a customer QR code. The scene recognizes the PAK pieces so that the Pakkoins, who received the inscription from the Adaigi sender, immediately became a regular currency to protect them from unexpected natural digital currencies.
Traditional frameworks, such as PayPal, the Internet’s largest financial institution, all cost the administration. After all, the island has made an impact in this regard by charging around nothing.
Of course, the PAK is not the money used by many people around the world, but given the fact that the PAK is for Pakistan, it seems that the island can be divided into parts in Pakistan.
It works with large organizations within the framework, for example, fastwebhosting and 365 pizzas, and calls for the use of more organizational long-distance administration.