Aencoin, is developed as a complete ecosystem for the financial and blockchain world, it offers solution services, promotes decentralized trading, investments and participations in its ecosystem. Aencoin, has a platform, which integrates tools that can be used online easily, has good decentralized trading, membership levels that guarantee access to better services and tools, has a variety of products for the user community and an ecosystem of good scalability, with extensive security methods and rewards for users. Aencoin, has developed the digital asset AEN Smart Token (AENS), being a fast transaction token, with good support in the Ethereum network, it is a digital asset that guarantees the delivery of rewards to users who participate in the platform, likewise, guarantees good decentralized trading, since it is listed in various cryptocurrency trading platforms, likewise allows the purchase of membership and with AEN Smart Token (AENS) coins, you can get discounts within the ecosystem.