In real time, there is no official information about this plan, it can only be known only that it is actually listed on the hotbit according to coinmarketcap, it is fundamentally important to designate, in fact, that the data displayed in cmc has every chance of being outdated, for example, how it contains the smallest movement on the exchange. For this, in order to acquire a virtual cryptocurrency, the aristocracy must have any option of saving. I strongly advise against investing in this token, I believe, in fact, that you will tarnish all your own personal accounts. There is no clear information about the creators in the plan. Perhaps they think, in fact, that this plan seems to be safe. The project was built without a goal, this emotion is forming in me. I suppose, actually, that the plan will develop. But this plan was blocked long ago. I'm trying to say, in fact, that the plan is bad, There is no information on the roadmap. This plan does not, for example, have a large number of responses.