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Review on Aragon by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

To conclude I find this project interesting because it allows people from all…

To conclude I find this project interesting because it allows people from all over the world to create an organization. breaking barriers that for many are established in each country, with aragon you can start from scratch by establishing profiles for the members of an organization, keeping in mind that this will be saved in the chain of blocks having autonomy in the decisions taken and most importantly no one can Interfere in this type of organizations, all decisions are made in consensus.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 4
It is really easy access to smart contracts, the creation of new tokens all this using the Aragon application.
The management platform update is now available.
Also if you are not familiar you can enter the trial version, but with some limitations.
Low trading volume, there are few cases of use of the Aragon platform.

  • With aragon it is possible to manage a business structure in a de-centralized manner, being this pioneer in the implementation from the organization. With its Aragonese architecture it is possible to resolve disputes between parties. It is possible to use it to make multiple payments something like what the companies that send the bancon the payroll to be paid to their employees, aragon solves this problem in terms of transaction costs and efficiency since it is possible to do it in an organized and fast The chain of blocks is used to record each transaction immutable in the accounting books. It is possible to create a company or something similar, accessing the world economy to this increasingly globalized world where aragon allows us to connect with any person in the world and found what we want.
  • Little adoption of this system, there are few people or services that currently use its platform. Your utility token is listed in a few exchanges. Possible doubts in the use of your software.