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Review on Basic Attention Token by RODRIGO REIS

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The project is very interesting, safe and reliable. I use Browser day by day…

The project is very interesting, safe and reliable. I use Browser day by day and it works very well. To me is better than Internet Explorer and Mozilla. The token Bat can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-based services on the BAT platform.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
The number of downloads of the Brave browser in recent months has increased considerably. There are thousands of advertisers willing to use the platform. The BAT community remains very active. There is great disclosure of the Brave browser and its BAT currency in specialized articles and websites. Since April, desktop browsers for MacOS, Windows and Linux have a Brave Ads option. There are already over 100,000 Brave Browser Publishers, and that number is growing.
The Brave-BAT team is constantly working on the project and is willing to regularly notify the community about existing updates and see their product development efforts from events on GitHub.
In addition, the team has launched the Brave Ads script, which plans to implement user ads and publisher-integrated ads in 2019. This means that Brave users, publishers and browsers will receive a portion of the advertiser's payments. So much progress makes us imagine that the future of Brave Navigator and its BAT currency will be brilliant

  • Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a cryptocurrency geared towards online advertising. The goal is to create a fully automated management environment for advertisers and portals through blockchain technology. The Basic Attention Token project has created its own browser called Brave, which has several advantages using blockchain (blocks unwanted ads) and the browser is awful. The Brave bowser offers a reward for the users.
  • The browser will have a hard competition with big and famous browsers

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