Basic Attention Token Review
The Basic Attention Token is one of the older crypto currencies.
Its the native token for the Brave Browser Reward Policy.
The Project is simple:
Brave Browser is a web browser which really tries to protect your privacy. Its based on the open source project "chromium", so its very similar to chrome browser (extensions for chrome also work with brave).
It has an implemented ad blocker, which also prevents you from being tracked by ads.
You can earn BAT by enable ads on the browser.
The team of brave promises that only ads which don't track you get displayed.
For each ad you see in the browser, you will get a small amount of BAT. If you use the browser every day, you can easily earn up to 20$ per month just by surfing in the web.
If you think "wow i can earn a bit of money just by surfing", here comes a big BUT:
The BAT you earn will be deposited on a wallet of your brave browser.
There is no way to withdraw these BATs to a ethereum adress/exchange adress.
This leads us to the second big feature of the Brave browser:
The reward system for content publishers.
If publishers of YouTube channels or WordPress blogs are verified as publishers on the brave website, you can tip them your BAT.
Currently this is the only thing you can do with the BAT, you earned through enabled ads.
If you like the content of publishers, tip them your BAT and they will receive it on their Uphold wallet. From this Uphold wallet, they can withdraw it to any adress. So currently only publishers can withdraw their BAT out of brave browser wallets.
The idea behind it is nice, it should reward even smaller publishers for their contents. I also recommend using the brave browser, because its a great web browser with amazing features.
The only thing i which makes me disappointed, is that i can't earn money for myself by viewing ads. If i currently decide to enable ads on the browser, i have to beware that i can't do this to reward myself. Currently, viewing ads on brave is to reward my favorite publishers.
Nevertheless its better than viewing ads without any reward by using other browsers 😉
Thank you for reading my review.