The Blockchain is improving every day and hundreds of real life applications are being discovered each day. Technology is never stagnant rather it is always growing and changing forms rapidly. As such there a lot of people have become interested in gaining knowledge about how the Blockchain technology works and how they can make use of it to enjoy the benefits of maximum decentralization.
Because of this, there arises a need for a sort of education for those who are interested in learning how the Blockchain works. To help provide a solution, several educational platforms have popped up and these platforms have various programs to help educate people. BitDegree uses blockchain technology to record educational achievements and enable anyone in the world to issue cryptocurrency-based scholarships to the learners.
BitDegree is one of such educational setups that aims to bring knowledge about cryptocurrency to everyone in the world. BitDegree aims to teach job-applicable skills that include programming, web development, graphic design, and online marketing. There are rewards for learners for the time they spend learning with tokens.
I learnt that there is also the opportunity to get an employer and the best students will actually be linked up with some employers looking for skill sets.