The cryptocurrency market is expanding, it is not surprising to know that in Latin America it is filling up with the world of decentralization and digital currencies. With this BitARS cryptocurrency, everything seemed to indicate the enthusiasm and excitement on the part of Argentina but this was only temporary in the stable.
This decentralized exchange was focused on fintech. Is based on bitcoin as far as it is concerned, but in reality it is a financial derivative. The objective of its creation was to have it as a digital instrument that serves as an exchange for other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin to be able to give access to what are the applications and exchange platforms, more economical and simple.
It was a pilot project with no intention of becoming something very big as such, but in the end, it was. The idea was to serve as a bridge for the development of other blockchain-oriented projects.
BitARS is no different than bitcoin. Both are using blockchain technology as the backbone, this eliminates all third parties and intermediaries and decentralizes the network. Unfortunately this great project with a totally stable cryptocurrency has disappeared and could have been useful as far as Argentina is concerned at this time.