Our present day world happens to put a little regard for wildlife, by killing and destroying our wildlife. This has led to the extinction of some animals like the Dinosaur and Dragons. Although some archeologists said these animals doesn't exist. The world of today has less value for our wildlife and there are less wildlife reserves to protect them. The BuySell is a project that has discovered this and has come up with the idea of protecting our wildlife. The BuySell project has cooperated with some companies in making this real and has helped it greatly in achieving greatness. It uses the BULL token for its transaction and investing it wouldn't bring much returns, I must be sincere but it would be worth it as by investing, one is protecting our wildlife and making life process continue. The BuySell has its applications available on desktops only and desktops are under development. The Linux, MacOS and Windows operating system are the one available for desktops download. The BULL token can be purchased on exchange platforms like Atomars and CREX-24