Many industries grow up with internet. I call it "The Internet Evolution". Gaming industry is one of the best examples of them. Also development in crypto industry affected gaming insustry like many others.
Today I will talk about Cocos-BCX (Cocos Blockchain Expedition).
I think harmony if this two sectors means a big innovation. Not many people heard about this because Cocos is a new project yet. The aim of this project is making a new envoirment in gaming industry. They provide gamers with right tools and good experience. Also all assets which obtaind from games (like live streams or gaming videos) are going to gamers.
Cocos-BCX is in ERC-20 infrastructure and it means all security and privacy samples are reliable. Ethereum infrastructure knows this job.
Their main aim is creating an ideal envoirment for gamers and watchers and I think they will do it in next 5 or 10 years.