eMark is a digital currency that works with the so-called "blockchain". In this network, two people can convey their values directly, for example, money against shares. A bank or a stock is no longer needed because a thea can be agreed upon by both parties.
At present, Deutsche eMark has a direct price of $ 0.004980 and a 24-hour exchange rate of $ 87.72. Deutsche eMark is currently down 6.47 percent. The current CoinMarketCap location is # 2034, with a direct market value of $ 267,178. There are 53 653 541 DEM coins and the most flowing reserve.
Deutsche eMark (DEM) is a digital currency. Customers can produce DEM by mining. Deiche eMark currently has 210,000,000 shares and 53,653,540,889,4704 shares to use. Deutsche eMark was last traded at $ 0.00499284, down 6.55 in the last 24 hours. The 3 dynamic markets are trading at $ 87.95 in the current 24 hours.