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5 Review
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Review on Dogecoin by guru singh

Revainrating 4 out of 5

dogecoin is good coin in market having in progressive phase. having good stand…

dogecoin is good coin in market having in progressive phase. having good stand good in transaction, easy to use with low price. maybe it will have great future


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Dogecoin is only coin that is favorite coin of everyone even Elon Musk and Vitalik. Dogecoin popularity and community is very strong so Binance like exchange also lists Dogecoin for trading.


  • dogecoin is the one of the great project with having good progress in market. it is really easy for transaction ,also easy to use , and if we see other points then the dogecoin is less in cost also safety is much good. in market it is in progressive phase. so surely it will go to high and have a great future
  • as it is in progressive phase still it is in infancy phase. not much grown. and not much good for investment. also not much developed .team work is slow also not much peoples are accepting this

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