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11 Karma

Review on Emercoin by Arjiya shah

Revainrating 4 out of 5

emercoin is the nice coin having rank on top 100, emercoin is developed by…

emercoin is the nice coin having rank on top 100, emercoin is developed by some intelligent peoples, and also its blockchain is also fully decentralized


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
  • Emercoin listed on Deex in this week
  • dSDKs are already implemented in numerous innovative technical solutions built on the blockchain. Emercoin offers services that have a potential to change the way different industries operate, providing means for data protection, secure storage of information, and creation of distributed services.
  • ο»Ώ

    • Emercoin is one of the decentralized cryptocurrency, the service of this coin is excellent; also the range of service is also much better, its blockchain is open-source and securest, emercoin is developed by intelligent peoples who have such vast knowledge about cryptography and blockchain devlopment
    • Emercoin team is excellent, but the team is not providing any updates, emercoin marketing team not so much marketing, and not giving regular updates on social media