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Review on Energi by RODRIGO REIS

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Energi will become one of the most important cryptocurrency platform…

Energi will become one of the most important cryptocurrency platform. Investors have a lot of reasons to invest in Energi


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Energi team is organizing the airdrop final Round 4. It will be Global airdrop.
This month Energi officially entered the top 100 ranks on CoinMarketCap. Position - 68
Energi 3.0 continued in development. With Energi 3.0 smart contracts will enable things like decentralized shared masternodes, decentralized stake pools, new governance mechanisms.
Energi token - NRG is now listed on Bitbns, a major Indian exchange
Energi team is currently still in planning phase with Energi X - A fully functional cryptocurrency exchange that charges no fees and allows users to stake their Energi coins. Energi X will also focus on four critical factors:
Security, Scalability, Speed and Ease of Use


Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
Energi V.3.0 was released Energi rebuilt as a smart-contract platform adapted from Ethereum.
Energi begins adopt Ethereum infrastructure such as MyEtherWallet. This upgrade also enables dApps to migrate to the Energi ecosystem, by doing so they will benefit from Energi Defense (cybersecurity) and their incubator, and other expanding services.
Energi is a nice project. But, It`s necessary to increase the mass adoption, the token needs to circulate in a large number of exchanges. Another question that I reduce my grade after 1 year Is: Energi doesn't have a mobile app to Stake $NRG.


  • Energi is a very innovative and interesting project. The team is very responsible and reliable. Energi is growing rapidly, the token price is going to the moon. Several exchanges are trading the token. The Project has a great number of partners. Energi wallet is avaialable on the Coinomi wallet app for IOS and Android
  • I think the project needs more disclosure. Its necessary that some important exchanges start to trade Energi Token(nrg) like Binance, Coinbase

Comments (2)

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April 28, 2020
Thank You Luis! I think is a great problem Energi doesn't have a mobile app to Stake $NRG.
April 28, 2020
Lately he has had a lot of problems since the launch of his new network, they still need improvements! good review