EnergiToken blockchain solution is creating a platform to reward energy efficient behaviour through EnergiToken. ETK token will offer incentives for a range of energy-efficient behaviour such as taking low-carbon transport and buying energy-efficient appliances. ETK can be used also to pay energy bills, charge electric vehicles or convert in to cash. The platform matches customers with smaller generators, as well as creating a global eco-system whereby users are rewarded (ETK tokens).
EnergiToken was founded by EnergiMine, a AI + Blockchain company, with its main office in Manchester, UK. They currently trade energy on behalf of large businesses throughout Europe. Founders team come from some of the largest energy and tech companies in the world, such as Microsoft, Google, Nokia, Engie and Vattenfall.
EnergiToken (ETK) is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. EnergiToken has a current supply of 2 052 153 500 ETK with 1 852 153 500 ETK supply circulation.
Raised funds destination:
62% will be spent on development
24% will be spent on sales and marketing
14% on administrative and legal costs.
ETK is tradable on CoinBene, IDEX, Coinsuper and Coinrail exchanges.