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Review on Enjin Coin by Robiul Islam

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Enjin provides community management service platforms for gamers developers…

Enjin provides community management service platforms for gamers developers and other people on that platform engine allows users to build websites forum stores and many other modules including in-game plugins. The most popular game on the Enjin platform is Minecraft which is not a very small game I think most people have heard of it. I love to game I've always been hugely into video games I spent the last few weeks being wrapped up Zelda breath of the wild, so I understand how much money and how large of a community is behind video games, I also really do think that blockchain technology is an awesome way to evolve conventional gaming and I think the project is great I love the wallet I love the collectibles concept and I love the fact that gamers can own their own items, my only real concern is that the project really needs to set themselves apart from the rest of the gaming projects but you know I guess only time will tell.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
The Enjin ecosystem upgraded and adoption of ERC-1155 as an official Ethereum token standard, The ERC-1155 token standard enables developers to create unlimited fungible (identical) and non-fungible (unique) assets with a single smart contract—resulting in faster transaction times, lower gas fees, and the ability to mass produce tokens with minimal effort.

This is where I see Enjin being strongest, creating actual reality within video games.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
The best use case is that the blockchain will see precisely its first major advancement in the gaming industry. One thing that sets it apart is that they are actually allowing developers and content creators to create virtual items on the blockchain that give users real ownership of the blockchain.

Although the potential is huge, I believe there are plenty of technical issues to integrate with different games. This is a great idea if this project is going to work. But if it does not work then the tokens can only be used on the platform which is being dramatically reduced in use.

  • Gaming is a massive industry and I truly think that blockchain tech and gaming is one of those use cases that actually melds pretty perfectly, I don't believe everything needs to be tokenized but in this scenario I think gaming would benefit from the blockchain, there's definitely some awesome use cases for the project like allowing players to actually own their virtual goods be able to trade them be able to hold them in game, Enjin already had a massive community before creating this blockchain project so because of that they already have a large audience prepped and ready to be a part of the next facet of the project, there's something like 18 plus million registered users on engine compared to average gamers and it's probably mostly made up of younger people making them much more likely to adopt new technology, lastly the recent Samsung rumors if true would be massive for engine but also massive for the space so hopefully that ends up happening.
  • I'd have to say probably saturation of the market obviously Enjin popularity blew up recently because the Samsung news and the pump and the price but there is a lot of competition out there, I wasn't going to sit down and figure out all the similarities and all the differences but I can tell you that people having too many options is never a good thing and there are a lot of options right now as far as blockchain based gaming platforms.