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Review on Enjin Coin by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

enjin enables the integration of users of various online gaming platforms…

enjin enables the integration of users of various online gaming platforms, that the value of an asset gained in one may have value in others. Although its main network is not active, it has a high yield and growth in the cryptocurrency markets, it is possible to find them in the larger exchanges considering that it is a relatively young asset compared to other services. In general I like this project because it offers a benefit that can be tested and is giving something to talk about, so enjincoin will be in a few months a better-priced currency especially when your network is online.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 3
Possibility of integrating programming languages with the various Dapps developed.
The project is currently under implementation, which although it has large competitors, this leads them to have several use cases.
At this time, their biggest problem is that Dapps are not being used and game consumers are not interested in this type of platform. But this problem is not presented only by this project, this is because the different developments of Dapps are not adapting users but rather the opposite.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 5 to 4
Currently this currency is receiving support from the Engin community since it has greater utility, it is necessary to verify and execute certain assets within the Engin ecosystem, in addition to being a form of certification of third-party projects since they are given with their support .
Its usefulness is to support products, goods and services in real life, the most similar to actions but always using Engin.
-In some countries these types of practices are illegal, or should be regulated as assets are managed and sold without any control. But in general the values that are handled with this protocol are really low.

  • It allows the creation of web based content using the chain of blocks, most of its app is active and applications can be made. It is possible the creation of tokens, contracts among others by requesting it directly on the platform of enjin coin, thus avoiding that the applicants save all that time in the creation of these. There are already several games using the enjin ecosystem, which provides firmness in the token and the possibility of being an asset for investment. They have at their disposal a wide range of products, for developers and for the users of these platforms. The value within all the integrated games are connected to the enjin token.
  • Game integration, there are limited games that are active on this platform. Even its block processing network is not online, etherium is used as the main chain on which its token is based.