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Review on EOS by Harry Brown

Revainrating 3 out of 5

A project that has received little attention in past year

EOS is a platform that allows users to develop Dapps. It is a blockchain system that works with smart contracts and is based on the EOS money. It was created in 2017 and is currently one of the most popular crypto assets. Eos. Io has its own native coin, EOS, which is extremely scalable.

It may be used to develop dApps, control data use, and secure access. It has a reputation for processing transactions quickly. Because Proof of Stake is present, it does not require a transaction charge. It validates transactions using parallel technologies at a rate of up to 2 million per second.

It's a self-developing and updating platform since it updates itself whenever a new version is released. Eos has one of the most widely used open-source block chains.


Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 3
I remember EOS was once one of the top 5 currencies on the coinmarketcap website. But the current rating of the currency is currently 29, which is really one of the worst things that has happened to the EOS currency. This currency needs to grow and be at least among the top 10 currencies. I have not heard any special news about this project recently and this is not good.


  • It's adaptable.
  • DApps may be created by developers at their leisure.
  • There are several rivals on the platform.

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