The EUNO project is another privacy-focused cryptocurrency that has also launched its own blockchain in august-september 2020 and has since then been trying to make milestones achievements. the project hasn't actually been in the game for too long but has already maintained a status quo among others. the method of enforcing privacy in the transactions made using is through the use of shielded addresses which protects both the sender and the receiver.
With government policies on the rise as pertaining tax evasion, this project is a banana to helping us out in protecting our assets value from being displayed.
The EUNO Project is also very well decentralized as users like me get to stake kur coins and delegate responsibility to some masternodes who helped to confirm transactions and on my receiving end, I get a reward.
the project is yet to achieve much popularity but with the little one it has done on the two exchanges that is currently listed on shows that there is huge support and backing behind it.
One of my major issue which hasn't still be responded to this day is the wallet affixed for mobile phones which the developers are yet to still put in place for over 4 months now.
I like it privacy features but being clingy to desktops and Linux doesn't shows much improvement. I wish for more versatility in this project. But in the same vein, every user will always like the level of privacy being given to their transaction while making use of EUNO