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Review on FunFair by Paul Sletten

Revainrating 3 out of 5

https://funfair.io/ It's early. Go play a game or two and let us know how it…


It's early. Go play a game or two and let us know how it was.
Until the morrow, beloveds.

  • ETH shaped gaming platform. Potentially revolutionary. In the same way a wallet on your phone isn't a bank account but rather a bank, this allows the user to not game in someone's casino, but rather their own. Playing with the house's money is going to become the norm. Payouts are mathematically driven, not on if the pit boss thinks you're counting cards or throwing loaded dice. Gameplay takes place off chain, which is either the best version of making sure things are on the up and up or worst possible version ever. If it were the latter, I believe the public would noisily protest.
  • In the whitepaper there's something about certain payments / transfers will not be accepted. At first glance, I could be misunderstanding the concept: payments from blocks created before DATE are not accepted. So it would sound to me ( still learning and absolutely willing to accept I might have botched this one) like you can only pay / get in on cryptoTOKEN created AFTER the special day of days. If this is the case, it smells to high heaven like attempted currency manipulation. Now, it would seem imprudent to lay down admittedly uninformed regurgitation, so I will not do so. The team leading this project shows real world depth of skill and industry shaping innovative tendencies.

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