Game Stars for cyber athletes to get investments for their professional advancement, participate in numerous tournaments of different levels, and create their own tournament. Currently, the project has an insignificant performance in the market and nearly inactive
Market status
Game Stars is some what active in 3 markets currently. The trading volume of Game Stars in 24 hours is just $8.97 which means that there is not trading enough to financially support its platform. Its price has gone up significantly in the last 24 hours but considering that it hit its lowest price a week ago, the price rise is negligible.
Recent activity
Game Stars project has had no recent updates to present. Its Twitter account has had no new announcements since 2018 and its Telegram group is without an admin. There has been no activities from the project team in more than a year.
Project Developments
The project had no recent developments. Without a trading volume, the project has no financial support and its unlikely that it would have any significant developments in future. Game Stars promised several major developments in its Roadmap fro upto 2019 but many of those developments and plans were not executed and the project did not fulfill its product promise.
Investment Prospects
Game Stars has no prospect for investment in the current market. Its Return on Investment is -98% which shows its devaluation in the past years and it does not have sufficient market interactions to sustain its trading ecosystem.