Humaniq, abbreviated HMQ with a market value of about $ 803.88 thousand, is ranked 1064 in the market and has a share of 0.0002% of the total market. Each unit of Humaniq is currently trading at $ 0.004 and its daily trading volume is $ 54.73 thousand. Prices have risen 0.31% in the last 24 hours. The highest price for Humaniq on December 29, 2017 was $ 0.62, which is currently 99.31% lower than then. The number of Humaniq units in circulation will be 185.81 million and the total number of units will be 920.95 million. Currently the most active exchange in which Humaniq trades is Mercatox Exchange with a share of 48.48% of the daily trading volume.
My personal analysis of the HMQ chart:
Given that in the one-year chart of this currency, there are not many price changes and does not follow a specific technical pattern, so a specific analysis of the future price of this currency can not be considered. Only a strong foundation can grow well in this cryptocurency.
I will insert a one-year currency chart for you below. (This is a pair with USDT)