This is a Dapp developed for the encrypted storage of information, especially the private data of each person, such as keys, codes, private passwords or any other information related to data.
This application is available for Android and iOS phones, the user creates the account and chooses the validation method, as an additional requirement it is necessary to maintain 1 INF token to configure the corresponding vault.
Rewards and symbolic mining program just by keeping the application on your device receives INF for just having the app installed on your cell phone.
Currently this project seems to be standing still, without data or updated information according to its different goals since May 2019, last twitter published on November 14, 2019, no support is provided from your telegran account.
There are a lot of red flags around this project:
-Development team does not answer private messages or queries by official means.
-The official telegram channel has no moderator and is riddled with scammers.
-There is no updated information.
-This project generally managed or requested private keys and personal data from its users.
In general this service handles confidential information, I would not recommend using this type of services to store security data that could be seen at risk, due to the complexity and service provided, this application could be created to steal information from its users.