KVI, is based on a project in the field of telecommunications, which provides messaging network services, communication between users, shopping system, payments and entertainment such as games, movie and TV content, relying on a platform that integrates blockchain technology to improve services, allow tokenization within the ecosystem, ensure good functions, tools and provide access to consumers. KVI, is a project designed to distribute content, offer communication services and even localization in various types of devices, likewise ensures the adoption of decentralized finance and digital assets, as it has developed the KVI token, which guarantees access to the services of the platform, is a token that creates a good incentive system within the ecosystem, works for companies and users, creating a revenue model based on advertising, likewise designs a good system of airdrops, for users to participate. KVI is a token of high security, facilitates decentralized trading from exchange platforms, guarantees the saving of fees on the platform and is designed to operate in the services offered by the project.