A few years ago, a Hinto project was launched a few years ago. Expands customers ’shot at winning cars when they park. The main design is to put wagons for customers. This company has different packages for each customer and it is very expensive to get them. The work page provides persuasive information. I did a little research on this task and after opening it, there were very few customers interested in the job. It is important that customers enjoy very little work. In this case, I saw that it was written on Coinmarketcap on the biggest crypto scene. The company was abandoned due to a very small number of customers.
It was available in mid-April 2020 for a variety of trades; With 850 B. absolute backup, HitBTC has been recording it for a long time, so I can't exchange it, it's only available for retrieval.
The only trade STEX sells is in exchange for Ethereum, with low price, low liquidity and low growth.
The power page has been removed, but has about 1K owners; Twitter and FB profiles no longer exist. The site was very well designed and looked amazing. Although the name seems attractive, there is nothing at the bottom of it.