MMOCoin (MMO) is a decentralized cryptocurrency consist on its own blockchain for the gamers and the traders. It was launched in 2018. The current MMO Price against the USD is $0.0022925 and it is ranked at number 975 of all cryptocurrencies.
MMO’s transactions are recorded on the blockchain and can be audited. Furthermore, transactions can be concluded swiftly and fast. MMOCoin is built on a feature known as Tiered Staking.
The following shows the rewards associated with holding MMO in your wallet (Tiered Staking)
If you hold:
1-999 MMO in your wallet, you get 1% stake reward
1000-9999 MMO in your wallet, you get 2% stake reward.
10000-49999 MMO in your wallet, you get 5% stake reward.
50000-99999 MMO in your wallet, you get 7% stake reward.
More than 100000 MMO in your wallet, you get 10% stake reward.
The wallet is available both on Desktop and Mobile devices for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and IOS
There is a common belief that the main use of MMOCoin is only for the gaming community because the gamers can buy their gaming stuff with MMOCoin on its platform, but that’s not true. MMOCoin wasn’t developed only for the gaming customers.
The following are some of the services available on MMO; blockchain services, graphic designs, voice-overs, twitch services, article writing, automatic social bots, power leveling, gaming products, t-shirts, digital cards (PlayStation cards, steam cards, google play cards, amazon cards), to mention but a few. This list shows that despite the platform being developed for gamers, other transactions and trades not related to gaming can also be completed on the platform.