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Review on MonaCoin by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Mona is a cryptocurrency that was born in Japan by anime, is a bifurcation of…

Mona is a cryptocurrency that was born in Japan by anime, is a bifurcation of litecoin although its supply is greater than this. Its greatest strength is the great use that is given to it in Japan knowing that 80% of the holders of mona are from that country. However, it has nothing interesting to offer, only support for a large community. . One of the news that gave a boom to the project was that of a real purchase of some products in Japan from there it was becoming more serious this project to what we know today. It is possible to use this cryptocurrency in Japanese in online markets for online purchases. It has improvements in its network, because they have learned from those committed by its chain from which they branched improving it. You could say that it is only the cryptocurrency of Japan.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Project focused on the Japanese market,
It is one of the few assets that is actually used for payments.
The main problem with this cryptocurrency is the markets in which it is listed, more market liquidity is needed to increase its value.
It has a large community and every month makes contributions, really stable.
Monacoin remains an unknown cryptocurrency in the West.

  • Multiple wallets and compatible applications It has an active community that supports the project. The mining process is simpler and allows a better decentralization due to the low consumption of resources. In Japan, where this cryptocurrency originates, it is easy to acquire at points of sale, and it is also available in a large number of exchanges. It is active in the market since 2014 without losing adherence to this cryptocurrency
  • It has no clear purpose, just as dogecoin was born by an anime drawing. without additional benefits compared to other cryptocurrencies. It is only popular in Japan, if it is not massified in the whole world it will surely be forgotten by thousands of projects that have better things to give, although Japan is an important market but not everything revolves in that area. The public to which this cryptoactive is destined is Japanese. It is not widespread. On its website it does not have a remarkable roadmap