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Review on Nano by Nullogs Nullogs

Revainrating 5 out of 5

NANO top 10 CMC Explosive potential

Bitcoin today is not what bitcoin 10 years ago was. Now a single transaction will cost you nearly 20$ no matter if its 1$ or 1,000$ your sending. This renders Bitcoin impossible to be use for every day money transactions... WHAT?? you gonna go pay 30$ for a 10$ meal?? Nope didnt think so.

NANO however is perfect for real world same as cash exchange. Its instant and free! No more paying extra money per transaction, no more paying the company extra cuz the credit card company charges them.. Nope just you and them make an exchange the way it was meant to be.

Im a firm believer that if this coin just had more people that actually read white papers instead of going off what other people say then this coin would easily be top 10. I can back this up with the FACT that Nano is superior to bitcoin in almost every way. With the exception of adoption and name recognition.

To me Nano is truly the closest thing to digital gold. It meets 6/7 laws of money.
  • Medium of exchange ✔️
  • A unit of account ✔️
  • Portable ✔️
  • Durable ✔️
  • Divisible ✔️
  • Fungible 
  • Store of VALUE ✔️

    Fungible to me long time ago was important... But in crypto i dont see the point.. Fungible basically means a dollar in my pocket is worth the same as a dollar in your pocket.. So if we look at Nano this way. If you have 1 nano and I have 1 nano then we both have the same value both are subject to market value so fair is fair... The whole argument of coins being used for crimes and are now "tarnished" is nonsense... Do you know have many $20 you have held that was used to buy drugs??? Yeah like ALL of them...


    Below is a price comparison Nano/Bitcoin as you can see in the picture the trend line are very similar. This means that the people that are already invested in Nano see it in the same eyes as they do Bitcoin. Making it much easier to gage where this going is going as people actually hear the name... ☝️


    Saving the best for last...


    So overall NANO is a solid investment in my eyes. It just needs to have people talking about it. I think that if people were to fully understand how much better Nano really is compared to Bitcoin then they would be making a move. Hell I even accept Nano and will give my customers a discount if they pay men in Nano... WHY?? cuz i know the true value of the coin and i know 5 or more years down the road it will pay for itself as the price goes up.

    img 1 attached to Nano review by Nullogs Nullogs


    • Instant transactions (like cash)
    • ZERO fees to make a transaction (wallet to wallet)
    • Passes 6 out of 7 laws of money
    • Sustainable blockchain (Bitcoin is not)
    • Superior too Bitcoin is almost every way
    • Highly undervalued
    • Open source with passionate communities
    • Many online and real world POS systems are accepting Nano
    • Unknown (no one talks about it)
    • Non-fungible (not a big issue)

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