In fact, this exchange bot, you just have to put this robot in order and it will definitely work 24 hours a day (if such a designed situation occurs).
Nowadays, this type of enterprise is absolutely brilliant, and even a few trades offer their own unique Boots, but the customer has to characterize the workflow, building a trade with Napoleonx is a must and is ready to start.
It is important to note that this bot cannot withdraw money from its wallets, and if you want to use it in any case, I will ask you to write a post to work with assets limited to this bot. .
It is convenient with most of the available or perceived trades, so there will be no issue of availability or similarity.
There are several plans, you just have to choose the one that suits your requirements and the costs are very low.
In general, I would recommend using EXTREMA CAUTELA because you will have to use your property to solve this problem, you will have to associate your additional trading account with the given bots. Moreover, if you intend to put resources on this target, note that the overall size is small and the comfort within the environment that created it is problematic.