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Review on Nimiq by Robiul Islam

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Nimiq, the first browser-based blockchain, is worth keeping an eye on. With…

Nimiq, the first browser-based blockchain, is worth keeping an eye on. With its slick user experience and easy accessibility, it could well become one of the most adoptable payment systems in the crypto space. However, it still remains to be seen if the ecosystem will ever be completed and if Nimiq can get the adoption it is pushing for.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Recent update comes with new features, improved and hardened security concepts, and an open API that allows third party apps to integrate it features and handle NIM directly in the browser. And it’s all wrapped in a brand new user interface making it easier than ever to use your token.
They have add some new features:
  • Accounts with multiple addresses.
  • New architecture and Ledger integration.
  • QR-Code generator and scanner.
  • Message signing support.
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    • Great accessibility. Being browser-based lowers the barriers to adoption by opening up NIM to users challenged by poor connectivity issues. The Nimiq faucet demonstrates how quick and easy it is to get started with NIM. Most new users have their wallet set up and good to go in just 30 seconds. Transaction fees with NIM are super low and cost less than one cent per transaction. Nimiq is one of the few projects that has released a transparency report. TotalCrypto applauds this openness and we hope that many other projects follow suit.
    • If the project remains under the radar indefinitely, then it could slip away into obscurity.

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