- The percentage of Parachute's project ROI (PAR), has managed to be located in positive, being this +174.89%, granting confidence to the investors.
- Parachute (PAR), has maintained excellent operations, from exchanges such as Hotbit, Mercatox, Uniswap (V2), Txbit and from IDEX.
- This Parachute currency (PAR), operates from telegram, where it is possible to deposit PAR coins securely, check balances, withdraw, buy and sell PAR coins and even contact support quickly.
- This token can be exchanged quickly and with high performance pacts, in pairs such as PAR/ETH, PAR/BTC and PAR/WETH.
- Parachute (PAR), has a very small community in social networks, since it is only present in 3 of them.
- This Parachute coin (PAR), is not of the minable type.