This project is a failed project. The currency is currently ranked 2852 in coinmarketcap and I checked the total number of cryptos coinmarketcap and 3095 currencies are listed in this platform. That means there are only 243 currencies that rank worse than PXC, which is very bad.
Also, only one pair in an exchange can trade this currency. (Bitz exchange and ETH pair). This means that if bitz decides to delete the pair, those who have the currency will lose their tokens. Also, in the last 24 hours, the currency has been trading at only $ 74 in bitz, and there is a difference of almost 18% between the highest buy price and the lowest selling price, and also according to the chart, you can see that the currency has relatively large emotional fluctuations.
The main website of this project, whose address is listed on Twitter, coinmarketcap and coingecko, is not available.
I like the nature of this project which aims to serve content creators because I do it myself and according to my studies on pixie coin this platform also provided good services but unfortunately the project was unsuccessful.