This plan is an unsuccessful plan. In real time, the currency contains a rating of 2852 in CoinMarketCap, and I found out the sheer number of CoinMarketCap cryptocurrencies, and 3095 currency units are prescribed on this platform. This means, in fact, that only 243 currency units have a lower rating than PXC, which is actually quite bad. In addition to this, this monetary unit has the ability to trade only 1 couple on the exchange. (Bitz exchange and ETH couple). This means, in fact, that if bitz decides to send a pair, those who have a monetary unit will fade their own tokens. Apart from this, over the past 24 hours, the monetary unit was traded for only 74 bucks in bits, and the difference between the highest acquisition cost and the lowest selling cost is almost 18%, and also, according to the diagram, you can actually see what the monetary units have comparatively gigantic sensual wobbles. The key site of this plan, whose address is listed on Twitter, coinmarketcap and coingecko, is out of reach. I like the nature of this project plan, which is focused on the service of content developers, due to the fact that I actually do it myself, and, according to my pixie coin studies, this platform still provided good proposals, but, unfortunately, the plan was not crowned with triumph.