..Prob Token is the official Token of Probit Exchange. Now the price of 1Prob Token is $ 0.4. Prob Token cannot move forward due to lack of volume in Probit Exchange. I was thinking of buying a Probit Exchange Token Prob Token, but I wanted to buy one for $ 0.5. And I sent $ 450 to the Probit exchange, but $ 450 didn't come because I sent it to the wrong address, and my money sank.
In general, all (well-known and little-known) Exchange (Binance, Kucoin, gate, etc.) tokens may come at very good prices in the future.
Because, in Exchanges with Exchange's own Tokens
pays 40% of the trading commission when trading.
If whales enter the Probit Exchange, then the price of the Prob Token can be at least 1Prob-1$ . Good luck.