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Review on QASH by The hsotaka

Revainrating 2 out of 5

Qash token Review

Qash is a exchange utility token with good fundamentals.
Price is cheap, so it could be worth to invest.
Unfortunately Quoine took too long already to give Qash the promised utility. On the other hand, the last months, Quoine published new features for their exchange liquid nearly every week and their products are getting better and better. In my opinion its just a matter of time until qash gets the utility and the attention it deserves for a long time.


Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 2
7 month after my initial review nothing happened. Liquid exchange is one of my favorite exchanges, but they don't care about their tokens and its price. There is no new utility, the only benefit of Qash its that you get a 50% discount on trading fees on Liquid.
In my opinion, thats really disappointing.


  • Quoine have big plans to make qash the best utility tokens
  • LDL (Liquid Distributed Ledger) for qash token (soon LQC).
  • Rebrand of Qash to Liquid Token.
  • Pay your trading fees on Liquid with qash an get discount (Fees 0,1% on Liquid, 0,05% if payed with Qash)
  • Get discounts on IEOs on Liquid.
  • Loyalty Program for longterm holders coming soon.
  • Quoine have more plans for utility of qash, but nothing specific is known yet.
  • Qash is under the radar, there is no hype around qash and Liquid, so price doesn't rise.
  • Quoine took too long to create utility for Qash. They didn't fulfilled the original roadmap dates that was published at ICO.