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Review on Qtum by RODRIGO REIS

Revainrating 4 out of 5

The Qtum project is already supported by billionaire investors, majorโ€ฆ

The Qtum project is already supported by billionaire investors, major companies and leading names in the cryptocurrency market. So it holds great potential, and plenty of room for long-term growth.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Qtum cryptomed users can now use it in transactions through popular pay gateways - Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. The cryptomoeda can be used in exchanges through the Zeus application;
The Qtum currency peaked at the end of the year 2017. Afterwards, it only had value losses due to the fluctuation of the crypto currency market as a whole. But also for lack of focus on the development of the currency. Once again I stress the strong competition of the crypto currencies market as a major obstacle to the evolution of the value of the Qtum currency. I believe that Qtum can give some return only in the medium / long term


  • Qtum is a crypto-currency designed to simplify the use of smart contracts for inter-business and institutional operations. It consists of a blockchain solution, which combines several aspects of two main crypto-coins - Bitcoin and Ethereum. The cryptocurrency unites technologies of Bitcoin (UTXO model), the mining system Proof of Stake (3.0), and Qtum X86 Virtual Machine which further facilitates the creation of smart contracts. at thwe moment, Qtum is on Market Rank #27
  • There is no maximum limit for the production of Qtum coins.

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