My views on Revain...
Revain is a very nice comment platform and it has been a platform that I really love right now. There are many features in it and these features are really nice features. Also the design of the site is very nice and really during the design of the site is very much distributed. But I think there are some problems with the payment system, in all the comments I read everyone says there is a problem with the payment system.
Revain is really one of the best cryptocurrency review sites in the world compared to other cryptocurrency review sites that I'm researching right now, and the features in Revain are really nice features. I hope they continue to add new features because I will continue to use them for a long time.
My favorite thing about Revain is that we can make money writing reviews. You earn experience points by writing reviews to any company within the site and writing reviews to reviews written, and you level up with the experience points you earn. There are 10 levels within the site, and when you reach level 10, you earn 83 RVN, or $83. In addition, you can earn esktra RVN by writing reviews to companies in the "company of the week" category that come every week on the site, or you earn more tecure points per review you write. Features like this both help you level up easily and help you make money.
Since Revain is a platform that I have just started to use, I have not had any problems at this time, but many users have commented that the payment system is really bad. That's why I think the payment system is bad. I will share this experience with you when I update my review again when I receive payment.
Revain is a really nice site right now and it's still unpopular worldwide, so the number of users is small right now, but I think it's going to do really well in the future.
Revain currently has its own cryptocurrency, which means that "REV" is currently listed on many exchanges such as KuCoin, Bilaxy, Atomars. At the moment, rev's price is very low and it is not a popular cryptocurrency because it is not listed on many exchanges such as Binance, Hotbit, Huobi, but I think it will be listed on the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance in the future, and I have invested some of my investments in REV. I hope he'll do well in the future.
In summary, Revain is a really nice site and I think it will do very nice things in the future. I recommend using it.