Revain is what we are going to talk about to today. Revain is the first blockchain technology that has more features that caught up with my attention. They platform has clearly defined rules for writing quality reviews which are based on levels. Initially, Revain was paying $1 for each review you write but now the pay has been reduced from the initial pay of $1 to $0.3 for level ten account and for other account less than level one account gets you $0.1. Revain made me earn profits from writing reviews which is limited to a particular per day. In addition, it means each revainer can only write 5 reviews per day and he gets paid for each review you write.
Revain is the first blockchain technology that pays you immediately after you write and you can get a total of 83RVN in total for leveling up your account from level one up to level ten and other added bonus which could be $10 worth and so on. Revain is the official platform that allows investors to also learn how to trade cryptocurrency and definitely Revain is here to make investors get more engaged and enlighted about cryptocurrency.