Skycoin (SKY): network which is a form of innovative project that work best and also allows it users to experience an awesome and a new era, talking about the internet communications of which is characterized by a well and stable decentralized project network with a very great market ideology, through its very strong protection algorithms which makes the level of platform security very high within its ecosystem. which the platform is guarantees the best privacy of operation and marketing data in the markets era today, the platform catalog of service is wide customers can count on various instruments that guarantees the optimisation of the commercial asset, the platform is a project which has a very nice and well okay free code develop bases on forming the possible currency is mine and can also be obtain by many means, which the network works Beyond a single market in the cryptosystem today, the platform has a very wonderful and well okay financial objectives which is to develop a very solid and a more frequently use commercial assets that served as a means of direct payment to its users across the world today,