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1075 Review
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Review on Stakenet by Robiul Islam

Revainrating 3 out of 5

The first trustless interchain economy.

XSN is only available on Livecoin, Coinall and ABCC, which are all pretty low volume exchanges. XSN isn’t readily available to a lot of retail investors who like to keep their trading on bigger Exchanges like Binance, OKEx, etc. Once these investors are introduced to Stakenet and the possibilities for high ROI, passive income, i’ve got a feeling they’ll be all over it, especially seeing as they can get started staking with no minimum of XSN in their wallet.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Team has confirmed Lightning Network & lnd are working with Stakenet explorer. This means we can swap, send and receive over Lightning Network with Stakenet app without needing to run full blockchains.

  • This is a perfect solution for anyone who does not have the caliber to run their computer or VPN 24/7 to stake the tokens. Users can even opt to receive their staking rewards in the form of any other coin. If you’re looking for one coin that provides a ton of possibilities, a high ROI and a very low barrier to entry, Stakenet is your best bet right now. XSN is an awesome coin for those who love being rewarded for contributing to a network, getting the best ROI possible and earning a passive income regardless of initial investment. Stakenet has this cool thing where you will actually be able to stake your XSN from the safety of your Ledger wallet.
  • If you're looking for a big red flag, you will not find much. There’s a bit of confusion on how it will handle issues regarding inflation.

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