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Review on Stratis by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Stratis is a platform that seeks to make a synthesis of the benefits granted…

Stratis is a platform that seeks to make a synthesis of the benefits granted by the block chain Creating business solutions in the application of this, developing applications, however its success depends on the adoption of this platform for the purposes intended this will give the value added to your token. Its most iconic value is to be the first ICO of cryptocurrencies. despite having important associations such as the giant Microsoft has not known how to take advantage of this fact

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
At the moment it counts on great associations I consider that to have been one of the fundamental pillars, nevertheless they have not known to take advantage of to the maximum these.
* The issuance of tokens is already available under the SRC-20 standard, this would be the first step for the implementation of side chains in Stratis mainnet, taking into account the versatility for development due to the multiple languages supported. However, it continues one step behind Etherium in terms of actual use.
In general, this release opens new doors to the creation of applications of use to this network, it is a hassle to do congeturas. However it is interesting to note that an intelligent contract is under development for a decentralized exchange, I hope that it will be able to overcome the big obstacles that the other chains that offer this service have.

  • Possibility to create new chains under the stratis code and without complications. Due to the programming language, it is easier for developers to create compatible applications. Multiplicity of applications, and interconnection in the new cities. It has an association with Microsoft
  • The use of this cryptocurrency is low for its purpose. It has large competitors that have a broader level of development. The programming in C # is not so advanced generates certain doubts.

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