The cryptographic currency of Sumokoin (SUMO), is a currency developed from an innovative project, for which it provides this secure currency, which is not traceable, operates privately and is a decentralized token. Sumokoin (SUMO) has active trading from 5 platforms that trade crypto currencies, it also operates in commercial pairs and it is a currency that has good behavior in the mining process, since it is a currency with minable characteristics, likewise, this SUMO token can be easily safeguarded, since their project developed a wallet client that allows efficient storage and fast transactions with SUMO, also the Sumokoin project, offers wallet for Android mobile devices, which maintains its good performance in the storage of the SUMO token.
Sumokoin (SUMO) is still under development and aims to bring new innovations, improvements and wallet with IOS compatibility. This token also has its own block explorer, easy to use and with the possibility of searching for old transactions quickly, it is also possible to quickly create a web wallet for the SUMO currency.