A project built on the NEO chain, is based on the language translation service on any web, application and device, so that through an artificial intelligence system and network nodes, it applies fast translation services at low cost without risk of data leakage by the consumer.
The focus of the project is well defined, since there are very few projects focused on this type of services that are highly requested and at the same time expensive, since services such as Google and Microsoft, data privacy is not secure and can be compromised, As through the TranslateMe Network project, it allows total privacy on the part of the users, in addition to the users who contribute to the network through translation data, they are rewarded through the TMN token.
Currently the project still requires development in several facets, since it needs to enable more languages and at the same time even more users who contribute data to have effective translations in the required languages, in which a marketing program must also be implemented to that there is a larger community that supports the project.