Transaction anonymity is an important factor in attracting investors to the currency. With anonymity, fast, low-cost transactions, and great partnerships, Verge (XVG) seems to be a good choice for investors. I believe this coin a lot
Verge (XVG) created in 2014 is an open-source privacy coin that uses uses the anonymity tool Tor and an anonymous network layer I2P to hide specific transactions’ IP addresses and locations.
Low fees, fast transactions, high volume in circulation, and multiplatform support are the high points of Verge
Wallet Available for android, ios, MAc, Linux, Windows
Verge can be traded on several big exchanges.
A partnership with NetCents allows one currency to become a form of payment across multiple companies.
Verge will not take off at once. When it looks like this will actually happen as in the case of partnering with the pornhub site, the currency has strong declines and losses. The big challenge is to overcome the big competing currencies in the saturated market