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Review on Vertcoin by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 2 out of 5

Vertcoin is a mining platform that seeks to overcome the paradigms created…

Vertcoin is a mining platform that seeks to overcome the paradigms created with bitcoin, in which there is a certain centralization in the mining of this cryptocurrency as it now turns out that most of the transactions are processed in the same places which has led to the centralization of data processing. its beginning of operations in 2014 where it was noted that strong data processing competition

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 2
Low transaction volume, is not currently listed in large exchanges according to CMC update.
Basically its utility is payments, although with a limited amount of available assets.
In general, this is one of the most downgraded projects for both the community that sponsors it and for the users who own the assets, it is possible to read in the threads of reddit as more users simply abandon this cryptocurrency, currently stagnant and without innovation.
Be careful when investing in it is considered a high risk investment.

  • Basicamente cualquier persona con una tarjeta grafica puede comenzar a minar Vercoin. aunque basicamente esto ya no es muy atractivo para los inversores. implementan en su red Lightning Network en la que todos los bloques estan interconectados evitando asi retrasos en las confirmaciones. Se encuentran listado en grandes intercambios. tiene varias aplicaciones donde se pueden procesar pagos sin ningun limite
  • To stop being innovative since it offers little benefits in the future, it has many characteristics similar to bitcoin. It only offers an easier way to mine. its price has been kept down, without any tendency for now to rise in price which makes it not very effective for people who want to invest