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Review on Viberate by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Its strong market is live music, conctado with the technology of the block…

Its strong market is live music, conctado with the technology of the block chain providing the possibility that any musician in the world can begin to offer their discographic content, using as a currency the vibe that is the currency of this platform You can receive payments in ether and bitcoin. As it is still in evidence, I believe it is too early to give a definitive conclusion of what this project is or will be.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 3
Currently, the distribution of tokens is reconsidered, the bad thing is that the option of blockchain in its ecosystem is no longer as marked, according to the company's own data they intend to create a more corporate image and according to the music industry. Currently your token is only useful to place it in hold in an intelligent contract receiving discounts for using the platform, in general this service has to a certain extent removed from the cryptocurrencies and the solutions in the chain of blocks.
Version 3.0 is now available with the removal of the token from the platform.
Token lacks utility.

  • Attacks a real market that has content demand that gives a double value to the token. The user interface for the search of information is simply expectacular. It is possible to find diversity of music within VIBERATE.
  • It is listed in few exchanges, and its price is still low. Not all musicians bet on this type of projects to distribute their products. He needs more publicity so that many people know him or at least take a moment to enter and review what this platform offers. It is still in its BETA test phase.

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