When exploring networks, there is a great sense of curiosity about finance. First of all, this is due to the fact that the type of networks is little appreciated in the markets, this does not mean that they are bad. Most of them have a very low rating when presented on official markets. The deal is with Yam Finance. To combine the two cores in a network, this very design was used to provide a better choice of functions. Due to a terrible mistake affecting the entire ecosystem of the project, this project failed. It was not decided that way and the team decided to withdraw the project, they just gave it up. The web page is still available. To analyze how it was developed, I decided to go into it, this project has never been useful, I can say that with a kind perspective.
Enthusiasts are creators looking to have fun in the blockchain world. The attention of people is attracted by the network that provides just a diagram, because it is too colorful. The diagram seems to be targeting mining pools, what she wants is not clear because all partitions are empty.
Knowing that I expect users to stay away from this platform. They can learn it, but they should also remember to save their data frequently. I would recommend using a VPN. They can come from external servers connected to it, because there is no virus in the project.