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Review on Horizen by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

horizen previously ZenCash, is a cryptocurrency focused on the privacy of…

horizen previously ZenCash, is a cryptocurrency focused on the privacy of users but not only in the privacy of transactions, that is, protection is also related to the freedom to create content, freedom of expression protecting the user's privacy . Horizen also focuses not only on the cryptocurrency but rather on the ecosystem and the added value that can be given to it since it manages a new world of possibilities, this taking into account the great changes that have occurred with respect to to the different projects, since each time the investors are more demanding as to what they want to invest and how that project can revolutionize.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
It is possible to build Dapps in lateral block chains in the style of etherium.
Desktop wallet available for Windows, M Ac and Linux. It is multifunctional with various applications and others in development, more than a wallet is a graphic environment to the Zen chain
The mandalory platform was recently updated, it is now necessary to download it, since if they do not do it, they will not be able to access the funds in their accounts.

  • Its strong as a cryptogram is the user's privacy, It is possible to find it in different exchanges, easy to acquire your cryptocurrency. Possibility of developing decentralized applications that allow user identity security. Possibility of expressing oneself without any inconvenience since information will be published soon and access to any site with total tranquility of being in a safe environment, in this sense resisting the censorship that is so entrenched.
  • Certain options are still in development from the rethinking of the project, the time that has been taken for the growth of its platform and new options are still being developed. It is still in development. Lack of innovation, information and more contact with the creators.

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